ÿþ<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Galicia Guide | Page gone</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="Explore the world of home saunas and the kits that make them."> <meta name="keywords" content="sauna,kit,stove,infrared"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="galicia-style-S-w3c-compliant.css" /> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="galicia-style-S-2.css" /> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <div class="box"> <div class="content"> <h1 id="title"><font color="black"><center><br />This page has been removed</center></h1> <p>the content and information on this page has now been removed. The reason for this is that it was not in keeping with the subject and theme of the rest of this website.</p> </div> <!-- this needs to be in a title bar across the top --> <span id="galiciatitle"> <p><br /><br /><br /><center><b>SAUNA KITS AND PRE-FABS<em> - FOR THE HOME AND GARDEN</em></b></center></p> </span> <!-- this needs to be in vertical column down the left --> <span id="galiciadirectory"> <span class="li b5"><a href="http://www.galiciaguide.com/" title="Go to the index page of GaliciaGuide.com and test drive this 350 page site.">The main site</a></span> </span> <!-- this needs to be in a bar across the top under the title --> <span id="topindex"> <span class="top-bs t1"><a href="http://www.galiciaguide.com/index.html">Home</a></span> <span class="top-bs t2"><a href="http://www.galiciaguide.com/Contact.html" title="Contact and e-mail details">Contact us</a></span> <span class="top-bs t3"><a href="http://www.galiciaguide.com/Map.html" title="Galicia Guide link map">Site Map</a></span> <span class="top-bs t4"><a href="http://www.galiciaguide.com/Add-link.html" title="Want to exchange links with us">Swap links</a></span> <span class="top-bs t5"><a href="http://www.galiciaguide.com/About.html" title="Find out who we are">About us</a></span> </span> </span></span> <!-- section menu --> <div id="subgaliciaselector"> <div class="section-index section-text"> <p><font color="black"><strong>Website details</strong></p> <p>The website you are currently visiting is called<br/><strong>GaliciaGuide.com</p> </div></div> <div id="footer"><strong>©2007 galiciaguide.com</strong><br /> This web site is the property of galiciaguide.com. Please do not copy or duplicate any of our content without prior consent. </div> </div> </body> </html>